MEMBERSHIP FORM The Society is a charitable organisation without discrimination of caste, colour, creed, country, race or sex. All who donate money to the Society under deed of Covenant shall be deemed to be a member. Life Membership: £100.00 Annual Membership: £10.00 MEMBERSHIP REQUEST FORM THE SIKH MISSIONARY SOCIETY I request to be enrolled as a member of the Sikh Missionary Society UK. I shall abide by the constitution of the society and will strive to promote its aims and objectives. (A copy of the constitution is obtainable on request from the above address) Mr/Mrs/Ms ____________________ Surname ________________________ Name _____________________ Address ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________ Post Code ____________________________ Occupation __________________________________________________ Tel No: _____________________________________ Membership for Year/Life ________________________ Amount paid by Cash/Cheque £ ______________________________ Amount paid by Cash/Cheque In Words _________________________ Signature of applicant _______________________________________ Date _________________ For office use only Membership No _________________ Amount paid £__________ Rect No: __________________________ Date ________________ Cash Book Page __________________ Record Page _______________________ Covenant Yes/No Bankers Order Yes/No Tax Claim Form Yes/No